Monday, January 25, 2010

"Christian" Politics

I was really struggling with what to write about this week. It wasn't because I didn't have things to write about, but I was debating whether or not I should really express my thoughts on some of these issues. I finally decided that sometimes certain things just need to be said whether anyone likes it or not. As Martin Luther once said, "You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say."

On a side note, I asked my wife what I should write about and she said I could write about what a wonderful wife I have - so I think I will, just to embarass her :). For all of you single guys out there I do not envy you at all. Too often it seems like modern society has exalted the idea of the fun, single guy who can have casual sex and enjoy life while the married guy is stuck with his wife and kids and boring life (although a more recent movie, "Marley and Me" actually presented the exact opposite and was quite enjoyable). In case you are wondering, married life is not boring at all. My wife is an incredible, talented, beautiful woman and a godly, loving, and hard-working mother of 4 little children. Life in our house is far from boring (for example, my 2 yr old son just came running out of his sister's room crying because he fell off the top bunk and when asked if he was "Ok" he responds by saying, "My bum hurts"). So I do have a wonderful wife who keeps me on my toes and is a great encouragment to me and also a discerning voice of wisdom in our home.

The following are some observations and considerations about "Christian" Politics.

Monday, January 18, 2010

American Idols?

So, in case you didn't notice, the San Diego Chargers lost to the New York Jets on Sunday. I was a little shocked and very disappointed since my Chargers definitely gave the game away. But I will say, that this morning as I went out to shovel my driveway I still put on my Chargers hat and even went out with it and got donuts later on. Maybe they will never make the Super Bowl, but they are still my team. For now, Go Saints!

While watching my team lose I was amazed at how much the game influenced my attitude and spirit. I had struggled with this in the past, even swearing off of sports altogether at different times. I have seen many people get angry and irritated because their team was losing. Christians throwing things around their house, yelling at the TV, etc. as their team lost the game. I had always determined I would not be like this. So, I was a little surprised last night when I heard one of my kids timidly ask my wife, "Why is Daddy so mad?" At that point I realized that no football game should have the control over me that I was experiencing. I decided that it would be better if I didn't watch the last few minutes, so I left and did something else. This raises some interesting thoughts and comments about our American culture and people in general.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Fair-weather Fans/Christians

So, being a resident of New Hampshire I am surrounded by New England Patriot fans, or I thought I was. As of yesterday (Sunday, Jan 10th) the Patriots were eliminated from the first round of the playoffs in a rather embarrassing fashion. Not being a Patriots fan I wasn't overly bothered, but I did watch the game since I enjoy football immensely. I was surprised, however, to see an amazing number of Facebook posts and other comments from New England "fans" today that ripped up the Patriots because they lost. So I thought about this a little bit and wondered what it told us about human nature. I propose the following: